Sunday, June 10, 2007

Weissman's last day

Today was a very wonderful day. Just got home. Last night I had gotten massively drunk at Choad's and wound up molesting Blacks, to my sober chagrin. I also walked home at one point with my finger in my pussy. What the fuck. Anyway, Dan came over in the afternoon shortly after I had woken up to drop off replacement alcohol. We wound up spending the whole day together. First we ate some of my tasty red lentils. Then we biked all over beautiful central residential Urbana, with old houses, lush ground cover, and tall trees. I took him to the garden and gave him a detailed tour; then we laid between the tomatoes and the hops and chatted lazily. Then the Ukrainian woman came out with a dog she's been puppysitting, so I got to meet little Elvis. As Dan and I continued, we came across Carle Park. We searched the pavilion for high schoolers' entertaining graffiti ("This pavilion is janky!") and talked about trees and continued. Then we met two more doggies in someone's front lawn-- a little adult dog of unknown breed and a young Sheltie who was quite the attention whore. We stayed for a long time. Dan is really good at constructing complicated power dynamics verbally wherein he creatively insults dogs, and though I realize it's only to bother me because the dogs do not understand, he still succeeds in making me angry (and then lol).

Then we decided to pay a visit to Julie, because we were trying to check if her current apartment is the one we're looking to maybe live in together next year. Oo exciting! Anyway, on the way, we saw yet ANOTHER dog tied to a tree. He was a little Jack Russell, and though he was initially kind of hostile, he warmed up to us immensely and had fun leaping all over us for at least an hour. He was a funny little man. I was concerned, because though he clearly had enough shade and space, there was no food or water out there. We went to a nearby Jimmy John's and I got a cup of water for him and was happy when he drank it.

As we were biking back to Dan's to get his bike light (we were then going to bike to Chevy's around the North Prospect area), we ran into Weissman. Yay! We told him our plans but he was not down for a franchise meal (what a gay nigger). Instead we settled on Woori Jib. It was so tasty! Dan had bbq beef, Weissman had cold spicy noodles, and I had Dolsot Bibim Bap; we all split an order of mandoo. Then we went into Rentertainment and got a bunch of good shit. Weissman was hilariously astounded when I told him that I *could* fap to hentai. So of course we got Night Shift Nurses (Yakin Byoutou). They were playing J Dilla in there. Fun. When we exited, there was a woman sitting on a bench with a tiny Boston terrier puppy. He licked my Korean-tasting finger and was very cute.

Afterwards, we went to check on the Jack Russell again. He was still there but very soon his owner came back-- turns out he's from the Nabor House right next door. He was kind and said we could come play with Scotty any time. Sooo the rest of the night consisted of various lazing activities while Weissman was packing. He leaves for Chicago tomorrow and Peru on Tuesday. After a while there he will pop back to Urbana but then be off to Antarctica for months. I don't want to make this entry any longer by expounding on why I am jealous of him. Anyway-- first Dan and I watched Gummo. It was good. Then Weissman came back from his house with a dish of brownies-from-scratch and a carton of raspberries. We voraciously and sloppily scarfed this down. Then it was time for Night Shift Nurses. Surprisingly Weissman was a lot more into it than Dan, who plopped down on the couch a while through to doze. I was farting around on internets while we watched, but Weissman and I still had a great time lolling at the "protagonist's" lecherous facial expressions and tactics (rape through extortion every time).

He expressed disdain for my 4chan-obsessive habits so I left the computer and went with Weissman to climb the roof. We scampered all about it and it was fun. Then for a long time we were leaning over the porch trying to spit on the people having a party down there. Well, more to get their attention; they're quite nice and I talk about porn and Mastodon with them. It was super nice just to chill with Weissman for a long time. Even after all these years it's still so hard to resist the urge to touch him. I'm such a physical person and I fucking survive on hugs. God I sound like a tremendous faggot. Anyway, it was still nice. Then we were drumming on some pipes in the roof and heard animal noises from within. It was super wacky and he went to go get Dan's bike light so we could see inside. Turned out it was bats! Bats in the roof! Who spread their wonderful wings! What a great discovery.

When we finally went inside, Dan had gone to bed. I stuck around internetting while Weissman packed/dicked around. He told me more about his stay in Munchen, google-mapped his dorm, and found videos of the people who "surf" on a canal in a nearby park. In turn I showed him a video of two furfags in fursuits bouncing around anthropomorphically-playfully on their bed. Anyway we had a really nice time and the conversation was great-- neurological disorders, Japanese sexuality, high school yearbooks. I also showed him the Vice article by the girl who sells her panties and shit and everything to slavering freaks for BIG MONEY.

When it was time to go, Weissman had plopped down on the floor. I covered him with a sleeping bag and said that since it was acting as a physical barrier I could hug him. To my complete shock he just waved it off and was like "Ahh, whatever, c'mere" and fucking hugged me. I didn't act crazy but inside I was touched and astounded. He finally views me as human and not female. Well maybe only at that moment. But I teared up just a bit while I was riding my bike home. I'm really honored and I'm going to miss that motherfucker.

All right, it's bed time and this is much longer than I anticipated it being. Here's to a fantastic day! Good night.

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