Monday, March 5, 2007


Instruments I already know how to play:
basic to detailed knowledge of a wide range of latin/afro-cuban percussion
basic hand drum knowledge
andean winds: pan, tarqa, pinquillo
basic recorder (B flat and F sharp are the only "accidentals" I know)
all classical percussion: snare, marimba, chimes, many et ceterae

Instruments I want to learn how to play:
mandolin (!)
dulcimer (!)
drum set
I'd probably like to refine my cello knowledge
Also whatever instruments are involved in learning ragas

I'll update this as more of my mental list reoccurs to me. Also I'm not counting anything electronic here; that'd make the list doubly as long probably.

I'm fortunate to have been educated in percussion-- I can play almost any percussion instrument within a few minutes of picking it up. I barely remember how to do anything on a stringed instrument, though, and my utter disinterest in modern guitar (Why?? I don't know.) has had a prohibitive effect on my ability to pick up other stringed instruments. You can probably tell from my list that I'd play any folk-ish small stringed instrument like a rebec or anything.

I don't know which "you" I am talking to, because I'm pretty sure I don't and won't have any readers. Anyway, pretending that you're an acquaintance who lives in my town, I'll tell you this: (a) If you know anyone who teaches mandolin or dulcimer, PLEASE hook me up with them. I want to learn these sooo fakken bad. (b) I want to take any opportunity to play music with people. I've fallen hard out of the habit and miss it terribly. Especially good is if you have need of a percussionist in a large group of people-- Irish, Balkan, Nigerian, whatever style, I can and want to do it. And especially especially good would be if someone there wanted to teach me another instrument. :3

p.s. [How] Is it true that Turkish scales have like eighty notes?

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